Coastlines are facing incredible challenges, from sea level rise to collapsing marine ecosystems and pervasive plastic pollution. Housing costs on the coast continue to rise while shoreline access remains unavailable for many. The Ocean and Coastal Policy Center is working to improve our understanding of the dimensions of coastal resilience, focusing on community governance, adaptation planning, and social and environmental justice. With funding from the California Ocean Protection Council, the Center is launching a comprehensive assessment of adaptation planning along California's coast to identify ways to enhance the adaptive capacity and climate resilience of shoreline communities.

Malibu houses


California Coastal Adaptation Planning Inventory

This California Coastal Adaptation Planning Inventory houses information about the status and trends of sea-level rise adaptation planning along California's coast. It currently addresses planning activities in California's 76 coastal jurisdictions along the outer coast (15 counties and 61 cities), including community vulnerability assessment, adaptation strategy development, and local coastal planning under the California Coastal Act of 1976.

The inventory is being developed by the research team at the OCPC, with major funding from the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) under Proposition 68. The goal of this inventory project is to support coastal adaptation planning, decisions, and actions, including meeting OPC's coastal resilience goal of "ensuring California's coast is resilient to at least 3.5 feet of sea-level rise by 2050."